Before and after 1 year

Are either the Strip Method or the Neograft Transplant painful? 

Both of these methods are similar, and slight patients can expect discomfort for 5-7 days. Still, procedures are tolerable and completed under local Anesthesia in Savannah, Georgia

Who performs the Hair Transplants? 

Dr. Finger performs the Strip Method. The FUT method of hair restoration requires a highly skilled surgeon. Dr. Finger’s team of experienced Hair Technicians perform Neograft under the medical supervision of Dr. Finger. 

Neograft (FUE) and Strip Method (FUT) Hair Transplant Explained - Dr. Finger in Savannah Georgia- Hair Restoration Savannah (5)

What is the downtime with the Strip Method Hair Transplant versus Neograft?

 Both methods are similar. If patients can wear a hat, they can go to work within three days. Small red dots are visible at the graft site for 7-10 days. Patients can expect swelling and slight discomfort for the first 3-5 days. 


Does The Strip Method require sutures?

Yes, The Strip Method requires Sutures. Our technicians at Hair Restoration Savannah remove these sutures between 10-12 days after the Hair Transplant. Thankfully the removal of sutures is virtually pain-free. 

Neograft (FUE) and Strip Method (FUT) Hair Transplant Explained - Dr. Finger in Savannah Georgia- Hair Restoration Savannah (7)

Does the Neograft Method require sutures?

No, Neograft does not require sutures.

Is There A Linear Scar with Hair Transplants?

Not with the Neograft method. Yes, the Strip Method causes a thin linear scar at the back of the scalp, often not visible when performed by a skilled surgeon. Women and men that do not wear super short hairstyles can enjoy the benefits of receiving more grafts in one Transplant session when opting for the Strip Method. 

Neograft (FUE) and Strip Method (FUT) Hair Transplant Explained - Dr. Finger in Savannah Georgia- Hair Restoration Savannah (4)

Number of Grafts 

Generally, more grafts are available with the Strip than with Neograft. Neograft can allow for 2500 grafts at a time, and the quality of the hair follicles varies and depends on the donor site.

Quality Of Grafts with the Strip Method

With this method, our Hair Transplant Technicians take the grafts from the “sweet spot” (area at the back of the scalp that contains the highest quality hair follicles). It allows our technicians to achieve higher quality grafts. 

Neograft (FUE) and Strip Method (FUT) Hair Transplant Explained - Dr. Finger in Savannah Georgia- Hair Restoration Savannah (4)

How long do Hair Transplants last? 

Many of the transplanted hair follicles will grow hair for a lifetime in either method. The genetic code of each specific hair follicle will ultimately determine the time frame in which the hair will grow. 

Are Multiple Hair Transplants Possible

Yes, Neograft and the Strip Method can both be repeated depending on the availability of hair follicles. Some patients that have had Neograft opt for Strip and vice versa. We recommend 12-months in-between hair transplants on average. 

Book You Hair Transplant Consultation Today

Dr. E. Ronald Finger offers both Hair Transplantation Methods in Savannah, Georgia. Neither Hair Transplantation methods require general anesthesia. Contact us to request your consultation with Dr. Finger in Savannah, or Bluffton. Our hair restoration procedures are performed at our Savannah office only.