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Hair loss is a prime concern for many Women and Men these days – whether it is genetic, due to stress, bad haircare or any medical condition. But with advances in the field and adequate research, various new techniques have cropped up in the market which can combat the condition with ease. Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP, is showing great results in reversing hair loss.
What is PRP?
PRP therapy, also known as Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy is known as the “THE MAGIC HEALING POWER WITHIN OUR OWN BLOOD.”
The procedure involves drawing out one’s own blood and separating the plasma in a machine called centrifuge. This plasma rich in platelets and growth factors is very useful in tissue regeneration and healing. It is injected on the scalp or rubbed on the scalp after performing a pain free micro needling treatment in the areas which suffer from hair loss.
Who should opt for PRP
WOMEN & MEN who have thinning hair, and hair loss at the top of the scalp as well as a receding hairline (particularly along the temples),
The treatment requires about 4-6 sessions, ideally two-3 weeks apart for best results.
Medications & Hair Restoration (NeoGraft) can be added along with PRP Therapy for best Results in some cases.
Expected results
Patients will soon see a fuzz of hair after the third or fourth sitting. The treatment not only promotes hair growth but also strengthens hair follicles. It is quite a safe procedure without any side-effects. Since it involves drawing out blood and multiple needle pricks, it may seem uncomfortable but a numbing cream is used prior to the procedure to reduce the discomfort.
Who can’t opt for PRP FOR HAIR LOSS?
Though PRP treatment yields great results for people suffering from hair loss, it’s not for everyone. People who have lost all hair cannot undergo this treatment as it does not help grow new hair on a bald patch. It can only make the existing thinning hair thicker by strengthening the hair follicles.
The procedure cost start at $595 per Treatment or $3000.00 for 6 Treatments.