Treatment For Hair Loss in Women & Men.
According to a Harvard study, about 1/3 of women experience hair loss (alopecia) at some time in their lives; 2/3 in post-menopausal women.
Causes of hair loss in women can be hormonal, stress-related, traction alopecia, chemotherapy, a receding hairline, thinning hair, and the most common reason being genetic, called female-pattern baldness.
What Hair Loss Treatment Options Do Women Have?
First, one must seek professional help to diagnose the cause and plan the treatment. Once the diagnosis is made, and treatment is decided upon, replacing the lost hair may involve a hair transplant. This treatment is a procedure where we transplant hair follicles from the back of the scalp to the balding areas. We typically perform this under local anesthesia with or without sedation, based on the patient’s wishes. The skill involves removing the proper number of follicles to give good hair density in the balding areas while not removing so many follicles leaving the donor site too thin.
Additional skill is necessary to place the follicles in the proper direction, so hair grows in the direction of the surrounding hair. Each graft must have 1-4 follicles to look completely natural and not look plugged.
What’s the difference between the FUE & FUT Hair Transplant methods?
FUT (follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (follicular unit extraction) are common acronyms for Hair Transplants. Generally, FUT refers to removing a strip of scalp from the back, cutting this strip into small units of 1-4 follicles. FUE, such as the NeoGraft, means removing the grafts with a small 1-millimeter punch instead of a strip. The grafts are virtually the same.
The advantage of the NeoGraft: no linear scar in the back of the scalp. The disadvantage: we must cut a large amount of hair very short in the donor area, leaving a temporary bald area until the hair grows out, which may take months with longer hair.
The disadvantages of the strip: the need for suture removal at 10-12 days and the linear scar, which is virtually invisible with longer hair. The advantages are: there is no need to cut hair short in the donor area, and every transplanted follicle can be taken from an area with the most hair density for thicker hair for transplantation in most cases. Plus, the procedure is faster, which is essential with hair transplants. The time between extraction and implantation is shorter, so the follicles are back with a blood supply faster for maximum hair follicle health.
Which Hair Transplant works better for Women?
For these reasons, while both techniques are excellent, according to the patient’s choice, most of our Savannah female patients opt for the strip method of transplantation, leaving them with a full head of hair in the back of the scalp. In contrast, most men with shorter hair choose NeoGraft.
Have more questions about Hair Loss Transplants?
What other Hair Transplant options are there? How much does a Hair Transplant cost? How to find a Hair Doctor near you?
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