Have you heard the buzz about the incredible advancements in the hair transplant industry?
We have! A revolutionary procedure, known as the Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE. This state-of-the-art hair restoration technology is also commonly referred to as, NeoGraft. We extract donor hair from one area and add it to the treatment area. The process is delicate; it requires knowledgeable skills and experience as we extract and redistribute the grafts one at a time.
This hair loss treatment has gained so much popularity, and patients often find it more appealing than the strip excision method of harvesting donor hair. The strip method has a better success rate for specific patients at treating their type of hair loss. Discuss your options with our experienced hair loss technicians! Together we will determine your goals and the best hair loss treatments to help you meet them!
What are the differences between the Strip & FUE Hair Transplant Methods?
The main difference between the FUE & Strip method is how we harvest the hairs or ‘grafts’ from the donor area (near the back of the scalp). Hair harvesting is often a necessary process for many hair transplant procedures.
Traditional hair restoration procedures provided thicker hair in balding areas of the scalp by removing sections of the scalp and transplanting them. However, they also resulted in a long, noticeable scar around the entire scalp. The technology of NeoGraft provides thicker and more natural-looking results without any scarring.
Neograft’s advanced technology removes each hair follicle chosen to transplant and inserts that hair follicle into the scalp where balding occurs—avoiding the noticeable scarring coupled with other methods.
NeoGraft creates thicker hair and a more natural hairline because there is more control over where we place each follicle.
NeoGraft’s success rate is higher than other hair restoration methods because the follicles are transferred to their new location in the scalp directly after being harvested.
We also use a very specialized tool to extract the grafts during the FUE process. The instrument used is entirely up to the surgeon’s personal preference, and several devices on the market work very well. At Hair Restoration Savannah, we use the NeoGraft Hair Transplant system because our patients have had undeniable hair loss rejuvenation!
What’s so great about NeoGraft Hair Restoration?
Neograft is a machine used to perform the extraction process for an FUE procedure. This revolutionary treatment offers an automated system for hair transplant surgery.
In the right hands, Neograft provides an efficient and cost-effective method for FUE harvesting. As revolutionary as Neograft is, it’s just as essential to choose a physician with the skill and experience to assure you gain the results you desire.
Dr. Finger is one of the most reputable physicians in Savannah and the Gold Coast.
Is Neograft Right For Me?
Ideal candidates for NeoGraft are those whose hair is thinning on some scalp locations, such as the forehead, hairline, or the crown. However, you should still have hair on the back of the head thick enough for transplantation.
However, patients should keep in mind that NeoGraft is a slow process while waiting for hair to grow. Like natural hair, hair growth takes time. Once the grafted hair sheds within two to three weeks, patients may look forward to their new advanced hairline within four to six months.
Book your consultation with our Savannah team by filling out the form below or by calling us directly at 912- 480-9913. We look forward to hearing from you
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